Nice job by IHONC's Jim Bento and Chris Tonzi educating the Wolfpack PeeWee Majors, and the rest of the internet, on topics such as when the goalkeeper can and cannot cover the puck, attacking players and the goal crease, and stick contact with the goaltender. Chris did a really nice job explaining how to balance a coach's directive to play to the whistle with the rules about stick contact with the goaltender.

GottaLoveCTHockey has just published the next episode of the Official Revue. Officials Sam Bergen and Pete Alfano do a great job working with the Darien PeeWee (12U) A1 team on drills to emphasize legal body contact versus illegal body checking. The last question of the video is a You Make The Call question.

GottaLoveCTHockey is starting a new online series called Official Revue where they profile local officials in order to help the CT hockey community understand a little bit more about the people behind the stripes. In the first episode of the series, Kevin Redding and Ryan Karabetsos field questions from members of the West Hartford Wolves PeeWee (12U) team, quiz the players on some game situations, and assist in an on-ice drill.

Below is a table of penalty times for each level and period length for CHC USA Hockey youth games.  There are a few leagues that in CT that are not CHC, ie:  Hartford Jr. Wolfpack playing in the EJ league, or CT Nighthawks playing in the MPDHL league.  Some of these non CHC leagues may use 1:30 min minors for Squirt and Peewee 15 minute period.


Period Length (mins)




12 1:00 3:00 5:00
12 1:00 3:00 5:00
12 1:30 4:00 8:00
15 2:00 5:00 10:00
12 1:30 4:00 8:00
15 and above 2:00 5:00 10:00

18U, 16U and 15U

15 and above 2:00 5:00 10:00

RULE CLARIFICATION TIME: Although USA Hockey has changed the name of the playing age groups starting this season, that does not affect the rules regarding who must wear mouthpieces. Mouthpieces are required only for the 12U (PeeWee), 14U (Bantam), 15 (new group), 16U (Midget), and 18U (Midget). The 10U (Squirts) and 8U (Mites) age groups are not required to wear mouthpieces. While a nine year old player is certainly under 12, under 14, under 15, under 16, and under 18, only the 10U rules apply to him/her.