CT RIC Kevin Redding hosted a Town Hall via Zoom video on February 1st for all CT USA Hockey officials.  This article will provide a summary of the important topics discussed pertaining to the re-opening of youth hockey in CT in lite of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Should you have any questions, please direct to IHONC President Pete Egan.


  1. Officials MUST wear an ear looped medical or double layered cloth mask at all times when you enter the rink (including the dressing room).
  2. All players and team officials must be wearing a ear looped mask that covers their nose and mouth while on the player's bench, penalty bench or while on the ice.  There are no medical exceptions.  A face mask is considered proper equipment, and failure to wear the face mask needs to be penalized in the same manner as the rule book addresses mouth piece equipment violations.  This is a team violations, so the first warning is a team warning, subsequent violations are penalized.
  3. If a player's mask becomes dislodged during play, stop play and treat it just like if a player's helmet's becomes dislodged.
  4. Only active players and USA Hockey certified coaches are allowed in the bench area.
  5. Penalty bench tenders, scorekeepers and timekeepers are required to wear appropriate face masks at all time.
  6. Players and coaches are prohibited to spit and/or discharged an liquid from their mouth onto the ice.  If you see it, issue a warning (team violation just like the mouthpiece rule) and penalize for subsequent violations.  If you see it, but cannot identify the player or team official, a team violation bench minor will be appropriate penalization.
  7. Please ensure you have a electronic whistle (e-whistle) for use.  E-Whistle is required for all USA Hockey games.  We encourage you to carry a spare battery.  Also bring your legacy finger whistle with you on the ice if the event that your e-whistle malfunctions.
  8. Games are no longer consider curfew games, therefore you cannot cut the 3rd period unless the rink requires shortening of the game.
  9. There is not any interstate play between teams, meaning no out of state teams can play in CT.  The exception is the Pawling and Putnam organizations, which are both members of CHC.
  10. Do not get involved with any questions regarding whether there are too many spectators, whether spectators are social distancing, or whether they are wearing appropriate PPE.  That is the rink's responsibility.


To view Kevin's pdf slides, please go to ihonc.org/Forms Section--the file name is Feb 1st Town Hall.  Should you have any questions, please reach out to IHONC President Pete Egan.

Thanks, stay safe.